CTB Health and Safety Policy

Churches Together in Basildon Health and Safety Policy



The Trustees and leadership of Churches Together in Basildon consider health and safety an integral part of all their activities. They regard the promotion of health and safety as an objective to be shared by every person operating for or on behalf of Churches Together in Basildon.


Churches Together in Basildon will conduct its business and methods of work to ensure health and safety conforms to best practice and complies with Statutory and Common Law requirements.


It is Churches Together in Basildon ‘s intention to achieve and maintain conditions which are safe and healthy for all workers and delegates, so far as is reasonably practicable, by means of its organisation.  It will monitor and control its own activities and the activities of other organisations directly involved in the running of any Churches Together in Basildon event.


The Trustees of Churches Together in Basildon have the ultimate responsibility for implementing this policy and will ensure that a structure of duties, responsibilities and arrangements are in place within the organisation to ensure this policy is carried out.


The Trustee directly responsible for Health and Safety: David Donoghue