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Schools Team Ministry work to bring the Good News of Jesus into the Schools of the Basildon District. We employ one worker, who works 24 hours a week visiting the schools. When visiting the schools, the Worker mainly carries out fun, challenging and interactive assemblies, always bringing a Christian message. We currently visit 22 schools in the Basildon District and 2 nurseries. Nearly 10000 children and staff are reached every half term, hearing the good news.

STM has its own YouTube channel (YouTube—Schools Team Ministry—Basildon) where you will find videos from Charlotte done during lockdown, which Schools still use, videos from our puppets Horse and Donkey which challenge the children to think about life choices and Videos involving Violet and Scout on different adventures.


As well as carrying out assemblies, Charlotte now does Class visits. Charlotte can freely speak about the subjects on a more personal basis, and this helps the schools with their RE curriculum. Charlotte has also taken Christingle services.


STM publishes a termly newsletter including a diary of all of Charlotte’s visits. This can be received electronically or by post. STM is supported financially by many of the churches in Basildon and by individuals who make a monthly contribution. If you would like more information on how to support STM please email or contact Charlotte on 07986129387.

If your Church would like a visit from Charlotte to talk about STM and to share with you, please email the above or Contact Charlotte on the above number.

STM runs different fundraising events throughout the year, a curry night, a quiz evening, and a sponsored walk.